MTDb v2.9.1 – Ultimate Movie&TV Database


MTDb v2.9.1 - Ultimate Movie&TV Database allows you to easily create your own fully functional Movies and TV shows site in minutes with zero coding knowledge.

PHP >= 5.4
MCrypt PHP Extension (enabled by default)
PDO Extension (enabled by default)
php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default)
MySQL Database

October 24 – v2.9.1
- Improved SEO of episode pages.
- Improved performance of movies and series index pages.
- News and reviews fetched from 3rd party sites will now not be indexed by crawlers by default to prevent penalties from search engines. Can be re-enabled in settings page.
- Fixed an issue with installation on newer mysql versions.
- Fixed an issue where sitemap would sometimes not generate correctly if there were a lot of movies/series.
- Fixed an issue where movie or series would sometimes have wrong type when using IMDb data provider.
- Fixed an issue where images would sometimes be blurry when using IMDb as data provider.
- Fixed an issue where sitemap would sometimes generate capitalized urls.

Features MTDb v2.9.1 – Ultimate Movie&TV Database

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